We would like to welcome you and your family to your new home & neighborhood!

Waterford Hill Manor Association

Mailing Address:

5951 Waterford Hill Terrace

Clarkston, MI 48346

Website: www.waterfordhillmanor.com

Dear:  New Home Owner of Waterford Hill Manor

From: Waterford Hill Manor Welcoming Committee

Welcome to the Waterford Hill Subdivision. Contained in this packet is: a homeowner directory, amended bylaws, deed restrictions, and other information you may find useful or pertinent.

Board meetings are held every 3 months on the second week of the month. The meetings are open to any neighbor within our community should they have a subject/concern they would like to discuss.

Annual Home Owners Meeting is in May, location/date TBD each year and announced a month prior.

If you would like to join our board at the time of the annual HOA meeting, please contact a board member to discuss dates and locations.

Once again, welcome to the subdivision! We know you will find it a great place to live. If you have any questions please feel free to contact a board member. The phone numbers and email addresses are located in the directory located on the left side of this packet. If you wish to email us please do so at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Subdivision Functions:

  • Annual Picnic
    • Held at the beach on the Saturday after Labor Day. Free for all residents in good standing with the association dues. Please bring a dish to pass. Attended by everyone of all ages, generally a very large turn out.
  • Holiday Light Contest
    • Judging the Saturday before Christmas with winners acknowledged by wooden Christmas trees in lawns for 1st-4th place, rewarded with a monetary reward.
  • Luminaries
    • The luminaries are white bags with candles in them outlining the road and/or driveway of homeowners. They are lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas if there is a rainout. Kits are sold the first week of December, door to door style.
  • Easter Egg Hunt
    • Held the Saturday (a week) before Easter Sunday. This will be delayed if snow is still present on the grounds of the beach.
  • Ice Cream Social
    • Held on the 4th Sunday of July at the beach from 3 to 5 pm.
  • Annual Home Owners Meeting
    • Held in May, dates and times TBD (watch or email updates and the annual letter). The purpose of this meeting is to elect new WHMA Board Members and vote on any issues facing the neighborhood and update one another on new events.

Waterford Hill Manor Association


Dues $90/year. If you require access to the boat launch, it is an additional $15 or $105 total.

  • Gets you access to our beautiful private beach (key for the gate).
  • Maintain front entrance.
  • Common areas.
  • Taxes and insurance.
  • Legal fund.
  • Upkeep of private beach.
  • Electricity at beach.
  • Pavilion and picnic areas.
  • Access to boat launch
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Ice Cream Social (Cooks Farm Dairy Ice Cream).
  • Annual Picnic.
  • Advertising for annual sub garage sales.
  • Christmas light judging monetary rewards.