Pavilion Reservation


· If you are having a party with the more tan allowed 15 guests and want to reserve the pavilion, you must request a Pavilion Request Form from the Beach Coordinator at 248-875-3472.  There is a $100 security deposit that will be refunded if the area is left in acceptable condition.. This form should be posted on the pavilion the day of the event.

· If the port-a-john needs to be cleaned after your event, the cost will be deducted from your security deposit. The clean-out fee will be no greater than $50.

· Parties are limited to one per weekend due to the inability to have the Port-A-John pumped out between parties.

· No reservations will be accepted for holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day).

· Even if you reserve the pavilion, please remember that the beach / picnic area is still open for other members enjoyment.

· You can reserve the pavilion from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Reservation requests will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

· Pavilion reservations, as well as use of the beach / park facilities is for dues paying members only.

· Any questions, contact the Beach Coordinator.